A garden website is a new venture for us. It will take some time to develop so please be patient with us as we find our way. The gardens here are designed, planted and maintained by my wife Jenny and me with tremendous help from Tom who comes here three days a week. His youthful strength is essential for the planting and heavier work which is always with us.
Autumn light provides some of the most dramatic pictures of the garden and surrounding countryside, as you will see from my snaps of clematis and the Church from our bedroom window. This autumn the colours have been late coming and in some cases never arrived before the leaves fell. However, the beeches fired at their best and a new arrival, Acer x freemanii ‘Morgan’, gave us the deepest red in the garden.

We have been replanting various areas over the last 18 months to enhance spring blossom and autumn foliage colours. Some of these trees will be flowering when we open next year. The new peonies may have a fallow first year but we are excited by some of the colours and forms we have added to our collection.

As we sweep up the leaves we are uncovering the first signs of snowdrops and even the earliest daffodils … will the weather remain soft enough for an early spring or is the harsh weather still to come?