NGS Opening 12th June, from 12.30pm

We are open on Saturday 12th June from 12.30 – 5.00 pm in aid of the NGS which sends all our takings to a group of charities, including Marie Curie, Macmillan nurses and Parkinson’s UK.

This opening was planned to coincide with the fete, which is sadly no longer happening, but could not have come at a better moment for the displays of Irises, Roses and Clematis, let alone the Deutzias and scented Philadelphus – a real English summer’s garden. Teas will be served in aid of the School in the Church throughout the afternoon, thanks to a generous band of helpers.

Across the kitchen garden

As with the opening on the last Bank Holiday, all the NGS takings from the entrance money (£5 per head with under 16s free) and plant stall will be going to such worthy charities as Marie Curie, Parkinson’s UK, Macmillan Cancer Support and Mind.

You all helped us raise £1400 on Bank Holiday Monday, which was wonderful – thank you. This is our last opening for this year, so please come and enjoy the experience – you won’t regret it!

Ewan and Jenny Harper

Iris ‘Mer du Sud’

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