Contacts & Opening Times

If you would like to contact us then please complete the form below and click SUBMIT:

    Contact Address & Opening Times:

    NN14 3DATitchmarsh House Titchmarsh Northamptonshire NN14 3DA

    Our opening dates are displayed in the Calendar at the bottom of every page. Our standard opening times are as displayed below for the relevant dates:

    2021 Garden Openings – NGS Public Openings:

    Sunday 11th April 2021

    Refreshments are available at the community shop. Admission £4.00 per adult, children under 16 free. Proceeds to the National Garden Scheme Charities with an emphasis on hospices and cancer research. For further details, please see the NGS website. Visits welcomed by arrangement from April to June.

    Plants in flower at this time include – Updates will be posted

    Monday 31st May 2021

    Plants in flower at this time include – Updates will be posted

    Saturday 12th June 2021

    Admission £4.00 per adult, children under 16 free. Proceeds to the National Garden Scheme Charities with an emphasis on hospices and cancer research. For further details, please see the NGS website. Visits welcomed by arrangement from April to June.

    Plants in flower at this time include – Updates will be posted