May Openings – 2019

Our garden opening on Bank Holiday Monday attracted 160 visitors, most of whom went on to the Church for teas organised by volunteers in aid of the shop.

In all £340 was raised for the shop: £40 donated to the Church and just over £800 was raised for the NGS Charities which include those researching into Alzheimer’s, cancer and heart diseases, as well as those nursing in hospices.

A big thank you to all who supported this from within the village as well as from outside. Our next opening is this coming Sunday, 19th May, from 2.00 – 6.00pm. It is hard to forecast what will be at its best, but there should be some beautiful tree peonies, intermediate irises in a range of colours, pretty pink and white deutzias, as well as the beginning of the roses.

Teas are being arranged in the Church by the Friends of the School.  St Mary’s Church is worth a visit anyway with its interesting memorial to John Dryden painted by a relative and the outstanding Grade I listed tower built by Viscount Lovell who faithfully supported Richard III at Bosworth.

… so please come and support another worthwhile village initiative.

We hope to see you here.

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