Sunday 2nd May 2021, Special Garden Opening

Please join us on Sunday 2nd May, 2.00-6.00pm, for a special garden opening to help raise funds for Bombay Teen Challenge (BTC), a very special charity that Jenny and I have supported for some 20 years now.

BTC is a Christian charity that is saving children from sex slavery and the misery of being left abandoned on the streets of Mumbai from as young as 8 weeks or so. Last Monday we received a heart-rending email from Justin Devaraj, who is the son of the founder of BTC. So far the incredible team in Mumbai have been able to protect both the children and their carers from Covid-19, but they have been severely hit by a lack of revenue as Covid has hit donations hard. They are eating into their reserves and calling for financial help to continue their vital work, even more needed as services and hospitals in India become over-stretched. Keeping this little community away from hospital is crucial.

As for our NGS openings, there will be an entry charge on Sunday of £5 (children of 16 and under are free) – please come and enjoy the garden knowing you are supporting a remarkable charity who need our help. The garden is full of blossom with over 30 trees and shrubs in flower, including cherries, crab apples, exochorda, early Buddleias, blue and white Abutilons and the first tree peonies. The weather forecast is looking favourable, although on the chilly side, so wrap up warm.

Looking forward to welcoming you here on Sunday.

All good wishes, Ewan and Jenny

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